To Debra Jane Schwark


Release: Feburary 12th, 2024

Length: 5:40

Type; Diary Film


The story of Debra Jane Schwark is told through the paper trail her life left behind, and the details within it.


The things you can pick up from a garage sale, antique store, or side of the road often already have an entire story behind them. While many of these objects still serve a purpose, the deeper, more intimate stories lie in the items a person leaves behind that might never be looked at again.

Debra Jane Schwark is a woman who lived a long, happy life, and whose story is told here solely by the paper trail her life left. Her high school notebook, first dated in 1984, becomes the primary storyteller, accompanied by college homework, short notes, old photographs, and more. So much of who she was can be found in the smallest details, like the way she scribbled notes, the messages her friends left her, and the overdue library book notices she saved. Debbie’s life was far more than these discarded papers, yet in their own way, they capture her essence better than much could.

Director’s Statement:

I often reflect on how much we leave behind over the course of our lives, and how interesting following those paper trails can be. Sitting cross-legged in the front yard of a massive estate sale, sifting through boxes of unwanted papers, I found myself piecing together the life of someone I had never met. With every sheet, Debbie came to life before me. It was a jarring experience, and yet one I wouldn’t trade for the world.

I knew I wanted to capture her story and share the bittersweet emotions that come with looking back on someone’s life. Is it possible to feel nostalgia for something you’ve never experienced? It can be so interesting to look through the old documents someone has left behind. The most mundane documents can tell you so much about someone, and reveal so much of who they are. I hope this film does Debra justice, and that she would appreciate me preserving this small piece of her story. I never met her, but somehow, I miss her anyway.

Cast & Crew:

Debra Jane Schwark

Debbie and her things served as the inspiration for this film. Though she was not directly present in the production, she is undoubtedly the most important person to be credited for this film.

Paul Johnson

Paul was the director, producer, and editor of this film, involved in every aspect of production. The process included shooting, scanning documents, and assembling the pieces together into its story.

Julia Donahue

Julia played a key role in the formation of the film’s premise and the discovery of the paper trail that became its foundation.

Additional Credits:

Music Used: Deborah (Remastered) - Jon and Vangelis ℗ 2016 Universal Music International BV / Polydor (UK) Ltd.